Music on demand: How AI composes entire songs with just a few keywords
Machine Intelligence EN, Professional Contribution EN/
The ability of generative AI to produce eloquent texts and impressive images has long been common knowledge. However, in addition to these achievements,…

Secure Personal Data Networks: New Approaches with Linked Data
Cybersecurity and IT forensics EN, Digital Government EN, Focus, Professional Contribution ENThe Bern University of Applied Sciences is working with the Federal Chancellery to develop new ways of securely exchanging sensitive personal…

Inclusive Design of Digital Health Solutions for Older Adults
Digital Health EN, Focus, Health Care and E-Health EN, Professional Contribution ENDigital health solutions utilize evidence-based approaches for prevention, treatment, and health promotion. To minimize inequalities, they must…

Hidden Bias in AI Writing Tools: What Educators Need to Know
Articles in English EN, Machine Learning EN, Professional Contribution ENAre AI writing tools helping or harming student creativity? A study led by Prof. Dr. Thiemo Wambsganss from the Human-Centered AI-based Learning…

Where does the Pig Health Platform stand today?
Digital Business & Finance EN, Professional Contribution ENThe Pig Health Info System (PHIS) was launched a year ago and monitors the health of Swiss pigs. 40 veterinary practices have now used the app…

Putting ethical principles into practice: the Posmo Ethics Board
Digital Identity, Privacy & Cybersecurity EN, Professional Contribution ENThe use of mobility data raises ethical challenges that go beyond technical and economic concerns. The Institute for Data Applications and Security…