Professional Contribution EN

Focus on external hospital care: identifying communication barriers with mapping methods

Functioning communication and smooth information flows play an important role in the complex setting of outpatient care. The CuraComm project…

Using Artificial Intelligence in Care – an ambivalent attitude

The attitude of nurses towards the use of artificial intelligence in clinical practice remains ambivalent. It ranges from the hope that artificial…

Does “fuzzy voting” increase satisfaction with democracy?

Anyone who has ever been undecided about whether to write "yes" or "no" on the ballot paper before a vote is in good company: a survey conducted…

The Debiaser – Novel Tools for Bias Detection and Mitigation in AI Systems

Bias in AI is a major challenge of today’s artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. The proof-of-concept technology developed in the Horizon…

How neurofeedback training can influence the perception of tinnitus

Neurofeedback training is an innovative technique that enables people to observe their own brain activity. A joint research project between Bern…

How virtual reality supports performance skills

How effective is Virtual Reality Public Speaking Training (VRPST) compared to conventional preparation for oral presentations? Researchers from…