Digital Identity, Privacy and Cybersecurity

Traces blow away in the sand; the digital traces we leave behind on the internet and the devices and systems connected to it can come to light again even after a long time. And not only with the help of cyber forensics.

The BFH Centre Digital Society deals with questions relating to the security of IT systems with a focus on data protection and privacy. With the help of security and reverse engineering, applications and systems are examined to detect vulnerabilities and unnecessary data collectors. With the discovered facts, citizens are to be sensitised to develop an awareness of the dangers of unknowingly exposed data.
In interdisciplinary teams and in cooperation with partners from industry, administration and academia, the BFH Centre develops digital identities and applications (such as e-voting, e-ticketing or road pricing systems) that are not only secure, but also intrinsically contain data and privacy protection from the outset (security and privacy-by-design).

All articles on Digital Identity, Privacy and Cybersecurity

User Reviewing App Permissions For Informed Consent

Never consent without a clear purpose: the only one way to save self-determination

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Consent to the use of mobility data means permission for the collection, storage, and use of personal data. The necessity of such consent is…
Overcoming Resistance

Overcoming User Resistance in Location Data Sharing

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We investigate whether and how sustainability and financial incentives encourage ethical location data sharing. Our results show that users do…

Putting ethical principles into practice: the Posmo Ethics Board

The use of mobility data raises ethical challenges that go beyond technical and economic concerns. The Institute for Data Applications and Security…

How to balance privacy and informativeness 

Privacy is a fundamental ethical requirement in data usage. Protecting privacy means safeguarding the rights and freedoms of data subjects. But…

Data ethics: balance between innovations and responsibility

POSMO, as an ethical data market, prioritizes the protection of rights and freedoms of its data producers. Accordingly, the ethical principles…

Bridging a gap between technical and non-technical: data ethics as a science communication

Data ethics is one of the most discussed topics around the world. Digital technologies are increasingly influencing our daily lives, and the…
Future Is Here

How does data become powerful? Definition of ethical data market

With the Posmo project, researchers at BFH are developing a trustworthy data space for mobility. Our Scientists are developing and automating…

A “data bridge” for business relationships

Business processes between two and more companies, so-called business-to-business (B2B) relationships, are mostly handled electronically today.…

What solutions exist for the transfer of identity information

Business processes between two and more companies, so-called Business-To-Business (B2B) relationships, are mostly handled electronically today.…

What contemporary identity management must fulfil

With increasing data protection requirements, it is becoming more and more important to take the data sovereignty of users into account. Therefore,…

A label for digital responsibility: The Digital Trust Label

With the ever-increasing importance of digital applications and a growing awareness of digital risks, the issue of digital responsibility is…

How useful is the new Swiss Digital Trust Label?

The Swiss Digital Initiative Foundation wants to create more cyber security with the new digital label. The aim is to enable users to easily…