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How to detect and reduce bias in AI systems

Bias is a major cause of unfair and discriminatory decisions in the use of AI systems. For example, well-paid job offers were algorithmically…

Why we accept automated products less out of nostalgia

Artificial intelligence again increases the workload of automated products. The resources freed up are valuable for consumers - at least in theory.…

How can the digitalization improve the sustainability in agriculture?

We live in a world with limited resources. Ignoring that fact, led us to become a throwaway-society. Most business models are based on waste…

How the Fashion Industry can become more sustainable

When you think of the fashion industry, fast fashion and poorly paid seamstresses in Asia might first come to your mind. In a personal report,…

Smart tourism: where digitalization meets sustainability

Yes, traveling is a wonderful thing. But so is protecting the environment! Our  our Master's student writes about his world trip and what sustainable…

What moral values mean for corporate social responsibility

More and more companies are taking on social responsibility. The role of moral values in this is the subject of a study written by David Risi…

Posmo: Ethical revolution in the mobility data market

To revolutionise the Swiss mobility data market and thereby help us to better understand our mobility behaviour and thus shape our living space…

How the app Memorybox helps foster children to remember

Children who grow up in institutions or with foster parents are often unable to develop a continuous memory. The Departments of Technology and…

Agility – more than the sum of its parts

Agility is a key competence in the 21st century and not only determines projects but also influences ways of thinking and acting of entire organisations…