Bias in Language Models and Data Augmentation for AI in Mental Health
Augmented Intelligence EN, Event report EN/
Are societal stereotypes encoded in German language models, and how can data augmentation techniques support classification task in the context…
Fairness and Bias in AI Applications for the Labor Market
Augmented Intelligence EN, Event report ENFor the 2024 Applied Machine Learning Days (AMLD) conference held at EPFL, the BFH Applied Machine Intelligence group and NLP expert Dr. Elena…
What values the Humane Digital Transformation needs
Event report EN, Transdisciplinary ENBFH is committed to a responsible and people-centred digital transformation. What does that mean in concrete terms? In particular, what factors…
Law, Law and Artificial Intelligence – Summary of the Conference on Computer Science and Law
Digital Government EN, Event report ENWhat changes does the new Swiss data protection law bring? When is cloud computing legally compliant? What should be considered when using AI…
How Diversity and AI Will Shape the Fintech Industry
Augmented Intelligence EN, Event report ENWhat does the future of artificial intelligence (AI) look like in the fintech industry? What role do female scientists play? These were the questions…
Algorithms and Natural Language Processing in the Public Sector – A Review of the Transform Conference 2023
Digital Government EN, Event report ENThe theme of TRANSFORM 2023, which took place on 3 May 2023 in Bern City Hall, was "artificial intelligence in the public sector". Machine learning,…