
Entries by Joëlle Simonet

What is the state of digitalisation in your company?

Is it possible to measure digital fitness? The Bern University of Applied Sciences of Economics has developed a questionnaire for SMEs. Using the example of the Bern Building Insurance (GVB), Thomas von Gunten from the Bern Building Insurance explains that external support can contribute significantly to agile progress in digitalisation projects. Thomas von Gunten, Head […]

Dangerous mathematics or dangerous humans? – Opportunities and risks of an algorithmised world

The topic of artificial intelligence (AI) has potential for discussion. On 23 March 2021, experts from the BFH Centre Digital Society discussed how rational data-based decisions are and how we can distinguish useful from dangerous AI applications. Read a short summary of the event here. The so-called Schachtürke (1769), a chess-playing automaton developed by Wolfgang […]