Digital Identity, Privacy & Cybersecurity EN

Will “Verifiable Credentials” replace X.509 certificates in the future?

X.509 certificates have been around for over 40 years. They are used for the identification of subjects (web servers, persons, etc.). They are…

6 reasons against a central state identity provider

The Federal Department of Justice and Police (FDJP) presents three different technical scenarios in its "E-ID target picture" . One of them is…

Connecta 2021 looks to the future

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The ongoing pandemic left the organisers of Connecta no other choice this year: The event on digitalisation, which is well-known beyond the borders…

Centralised or decentralised identity?

In recent years, the term "decentralised identity" has appeared more and more frequently in discussions about electronic identities. This is…

Self-Sovereign-Identity – from vision to today

A few years have passed since Christopher Allen's vision of Self-Sovereign Identities. What has remained of the original vision of "SSI" and…
Titelbild Covid-Serie Digital Health-2

The digital wallet is coming

"Who invented it?" is a popular Swiss saying. In the case of the eID, the question must be: Who threw it away? The EU is implementing a new eID…