Digital Identity, Privacy & Cybersecurity EN

Centralised or decentralised identity?

In recent years, the term "decentralised identity" has appeared more and more frequently in discussions about electronic identities. This is…

Self-Sovereign-Identity – from vision to today

A few years have passed since Christopher Allen's vision of Self-Sovereign Identities. What has remained of the original vision of "SSI" and…
Titelbild Covid-Serie Digital Health-2

The digital wallet is coming

"Who invented it?" is a popular Swiss saying. In the case of the eID, the question must be: Who threw it away? The EU is implementing a new eID…

Public Security Test of the Covid Certificate: BFH assists with security

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The first Covid certificates have been issued in the cantons since 7 June 2021. At the end of June, the system is to be introduced throughout…

The role of the E-ID for digital government

In the strategic visions of the future for the transformation of the administration, digital infrastructures play a central role. A widely used…

The unspoken about the E-ID debacle

After the resounding rejection at the ballot box, people are already thinking about the next E-ID law without any deeper understanding. It would…