Digital Identity, Privacy & Cybersecurity EN

Overcoming Resistance

Putting ethical principles into practice: the Posmo Ethics Board

The use of mobility data raises ethical challenges that go beyond technical and economic concerns. The Institute for Data Applications and Security…

How to balance privacy and informativeness 

Privacy is a fundamental ethical requirement in data usage. Protecting privacy means safeguarding the rights and freedoms of data subjects. But…

Data ethics: balance between innovations and responsibility

POSMO, as an ethical data market, prioritizes the protection of rights and freedoms of its data producers. Accordingly, the ethical principles…

Bridging a gap between technical and non-technical: data ethics as a science communication

Data ethics is one of the most discussed topics around the world. Digital technologies are increasingly influencing our daily lives, and the…
Future Is Here

How does data become powerful? Definition of ethical data market

With the Posmo project, researchers at BFH are developing a trustworthy data space for mobility. Our Scientists are developing and automating…