Transfer Learning: Making use of what is already there
Augmented Intelligence EN, Professional Contribution EN/
As the number of AI models grows, it becomes clear that many new applications share similarities with existing ones. Transfer learning and domain…
Why Companies Want to Harvest Digital Traces of Design Work
Digital Business & Finance EN, Professional Contribution ENThe design community is concerned that companies like Figma are using their users' design resources stored in the cloud to train AI models, often…
Learning-to-be-Green: Focus on sustainability and digital transformation
Augmented Intelligence EN, Professional Contribution EN, Transdisciplinary ENCan green entrepreneurship be learnt more effectively with the help of chatbots? What do innovative, digital teaching and learning scenarios…
Using a data-based tool to reflect on classroom climate and well-being in school classes
Professional Contribution EN, Transdisciplinary ENThe everyday school life of teachers includes data in different forms and with different information content. Teachers use informal observations,…
Empowering workers: A human-centered approach to robotic automation
Augmented Intelligence EN, Interview ENAutomation can do more than just take over routine tasks – it has the potential to empower production workers. In an SNF project, researchers…
Can artificial intelligence help us protect the climate?
Augmented Intelligence EN, Professional Contribution EN, Transdisciplinary ENArtificial intelligence (AI) promises to transform the economy and society and thus contribute to climate protection. However, despite over ten…