Digital Identity, Privacy & Cybersecurity EN

The SwissCovid app – many strengths, some weaknesses

From 25 June, Swiss citizens will be able to use the SwissCovid app, which complements classic contact tracing in the containment of coronavirus.…

Referendum against the E-ID law

There is a need for usable and trustworthy electronic identification. It is a pillar of digital democracy and will also be used for the exercise…

The Swiss electronic identity

Switzerland is a federation of the Confederation, cantons and municipalities. Federated systems correspond to the character of Switzerland. The…

What if the AHV number became an email address?

Digital identity is particularly important in official communication with authorities. Our guest author and President of the Conference of Cantonal…

Self-Sovereign Identities – Will we control our identity ourselves in the future?

In the real world we can identify ourselves easily and securely, but in the virtual world we still cannot. For digital identification, there…

Secure identities are needed for the trust of customers

Isolated, centralised or decentralised - here, two researchers from BFH Technik und Informatik compare the advantages and disadvantages of the…