Digital Identity, Privacy & Cybersecurity EN

Switzerland-wide holistic building directory

In 2020, Switzerland will have an official directory of building addresses for the first time. Currently, market participants publish, use or…

How wage and accident data is protected

The Swissdec data exchange platform (distributor) transmits wage and accident information to many Swiss companies. The protection of this data…

How insurance companies and authorities communicate securely

The Swissdec architecture sketches show how corporate processes communicate with insurers and authorities today. An attempt is made to explain…

Swissdec history or “From the cradle to the grave, nothing but forms, forms!”

Digitisation in the exchange of information in the public authority environment should above all save time and money. But it is not just about…

May-June issue: How companies and authorities exchange data securely

Most businesses today are digitally managed. Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems are used to control entrepreneurial and operational processes.…

The Education ID as the basis for the digital school

If digital teaching aids are increasingly used in class, pupils and teachers need an electronic identity in order to be able to use applications…