Digital Identity, Privacy & Cybersecurity EN

“With the E-ID law, Switzerland is taking a pioneering role”

For Nicolas Bürer, Managing Director of digitalswitzerland, the Swiss e-ID is indispensable. In an interview with Prof. Dr. Reinhard Riedl,…

“How can the state ensure cyber security?”

Why the state's lack of digital competence can lead to a loss of control and why Min Li Martithinks the Schaffhausen E-ID is good is explained…

Taking back control of our data: Re-decentralizing the Web, for good this time (Part 2)

A recurring theme in the above centralization races is the lack of choice: a choice of browser and operating system, of entry point to the Web,…

The SwissCovid app – many strengths, some weaknesses

From 25 June, Swiss citizens will be able to use the SwissCovid app, which complements classic contact tracing in the containment of coronavirus.…

Referendum against the E-ID law

There is a need for usable and trustworthy electronic identification. It is a pillar of digital democracy and will also be used for the exercise…

The Swiss electronic identity

Switzerland is a federation of the Confederation, cantons and municipalities. Federated systems correspond to the character of Switzerland. The…