
Entries by Anne-Careen Stoltze

How AI is revolutionising work at the Federal Supreme Court – a podcast episode

Public authorities and the judiciary enjoy our special trust. The requirements for the use of artificial intelligence (AI) are therefore particularly high. Our AI expert Marcel Gygli has developed his own language models for the Federal Supreme Court. He heads the Digital Susatainability Lab at the Institute for Public Sector Transformation at BFH Business School. […]

From technology to farm management – how smart is Swiss agriculture, part 2

Smart farming and technology in agriculture are the topics of the moment, which are also of concern to the Fenaco agricultural cooperative. What business risks does the digital transformation entail? How well does the collaboration between business and IT work? How digital is logistics? And what about the hype topics of blockchain and AI?Societybyte author […]

From technology to farm management – how smart is Swiss agriculture, part 1

Apps and digital business models have also long been used in agriculture. Although not everything is running smoothly, Switzerland is still in a promising position. In Part 1 of an interview, Societybyte author and digitalisation expert Reinhard Riedl talks to Michael Buser, Head of IT and Logistics at Fenaco, about why central IT departments are […]

How cities and authorities are becoming smarter – a podcast episode about transformation

Chatbots are already supporting some authorities. But overall, the Swiss are dissatisfied with the pace of digital transformation in the administration. Christian Geiger from BFH’s Public Sector Transformation Institute reveals what could speed up the process in the new podcast episode. Hackathons on the topic of smart cities or participatory democracy show that there is […]