Do we need to regulate mathematics?

The logical world of mathematics eludes political thinking. Nevertheless, we must not regard mathematics as a black box when regulating digital…

Dangerous mathematics or dangerous humans? – Opportunities and risks of an algorithmised world

The topic of artificial intelligence (AI) has potential for discussion. On 23 March 2021, experts from the BFH Centre Digital Society discussed…

The Importance of a Good Fit Between eID Systems and Country Context

A comparison of the eID systems in France, Belgium, Poland and Estonia shows the importance of country-specific path dependences and a good fit…

The role of the E-ID for digital government

In the strategic visions of the future for the transformation of the administration, digital infrastructures play a central role. A widely used…

Digital solutions for social work

In December 2020, Bern University of Applied Sciences hosted Hack4SocialGood, bringing together the social sector and tech sector. The event…

The unspoken about the E-ID debacle

After the resounding rejection at the ballot box, people are already thinking about the next E-ID law without any deeper understanding. It would…