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21 Suchergebnisse für:


Digital Health – Part III: Good design

In this series of short papers recommendations for policy goals in digital health are outlined. These recommendations have been derived through the exchange of thoughts with scientists, experts on healthcare policy making, and strategy specialists. Recommendations in part III address design aspects of digital health. Recommendation III: Take care of a good design Good design […]


Digital Health – Part II: Social Aspects of Big Data

In this series of short papers recommendations for policy goals in digital health are outlined. These recommendations have been derived through the exchange of thoughts with scientists, experts on healthcare policy making, and strategy specialists. Recommendations in part II address social aspects of digital health. Recommendation II: We should focus on the SOCIAL ASPECTS OF […]


Digital Health – Part I: Insourcing Health

In this series of short papers recommendations for policy goals in digital health are outlined. These recommendations have been derived through the exchange of thoughts with scientists, experts on healthcare policy making, and strategy specialists. Recommendation in part I address both the role of the individual and the role of reparatory medicine. Recommendation I: We […]


«Wir sind in eine Leibeigenschaft reingeschlittert»

Ernst Hafen sieht unsere digitale Identität in den Händen von Google, Facebook und Co. Ein Weg, diese Art von Leibeigenschaft aufzulösen und die Kontrolle über all seine persönlichen Daten, vor allem die Gesundheitsdaten, zu erhalten, wäre eine genossenschaftlich organisierte Datenbank. Interview: Reinhard Riedl Was ist Ihre Vision im Verein Daten und Gesundheit? Wir haben als […]


Sécurité(s) pour les implants connectés

L’équipe Security and Privacy de RISIS analyse l’arrivée prochaine de nouveaux implants connectés (senseurs et déclencheurs) sur le marché médical. Ces implants connectés posent de très sérieux problèmes de sécurité: sécurité des systèmes informatiques (communication, software), sécurité médicale, et protection des données. L’équipe avec ses partenaires propose des solutions innovantes pour arriver à des systèmes […]