CodeVsCovid19 hackathon: An app for herd protection
Big und Open Data EN, Event report EN/
The virtual CodeVsCOVID19 hackathon took place last week. Nicolai Wenger was among the 3000 participants. He is a researcher at the Institute…

Covid19 Hackathon: Programming new applications from data
Big und Open Data EN, Event report ENSince the beginning of March, the Statistical Office of the Canton of Zurich and its specialist and coordination unit OGD (Open Government Data)…

Data, data, nothing but data. What do we do with it?
Big und Open Data EN, Transdisciplinary ENAccording to an IDC study, the total amount of data generated annually worldwide will increase from 33 zettabytes to 175 zettabytes in 2025.…

Linked Open Data for Smart Cities? New developments from the research perspective
Big und Open Data EN, Buildings and Cities, Professional Contribution ENAlmost all cities that call themselves a smart city or want to become one also have a strategy on Open Data and often publish relevant data on…

Digitaltag 2019: BFH Wirtschaft is there with Smartvote and a data experiment
Big und Open Data EN, Event report ENThe third edition of the nationwide Digitaltag is also taking place in the federal city for the first time - and the Bern University of Applied…

Basic registers and standards data as precursors for Linked Data
Big und Open Data EN, Professional Contribution ENBase registers are central components of a Linked Data ecosystem. Together with commonly used data models or ontologies, they ensure that data…