Interview EN

“Our entire world will be driven by AI in 2050” – an interview with Marcel Salathé

Image recognition, language understanding, and decision-making: deep learning has made impressive breakthroughs. That’s why machine learning…

“The public sector needs more dialogue and less garden-variety thinking”

In order for the public sector in Switzerland to really take off digitally, there needs to be a cultural change in which all those involved have…

“We don’t just need a technology debate, but above all a socio-political debate”

The political structures in Switzerland can have a blocking effect on the topic of eGovernment. In an interview with Benedikt Würth, Finance…

About the future of the Internet

Researchers have been working on improvements since the Internet was established. The future architecture SCION  is also constantly being improved,…

About the good life and the happy life

Digitalisation makes a lot of things easier in our lives. But what really makes us happy in the digital age is not something digital, says happiness…

Does digitalisation make us happier?

Digitalisation makes many things easier for us in our professional and private lives. Communication is possible in a variety of ways so that…