E-Government EN

Password-free login procedures as a key player in digital transformation

PSD2 and Open Banking open up new possibilities in the digital transformation of banking. A promising approach here is FIDO, which offers strong…

The Swiss eGovernment Forum 2020: What it takes for the digital transformation of the administration

We will be reporting from Day 2 of the Swiss eGovernment Forum 2020 in our liveblog on 4 March.

Digitisation Monitor 2019 – How policy-makers position themselves on digitisation

Digitalisation is a major challenge for politics: Citizens, but also the economy and science expect forward-looking decisions in this regard.…

The Federal Administration is aligning its human resources strategy with the digital transformation

The Federal Administration's personnel strategy 2020-2023 is all about digitalisation. With the two focal points of "shaping digital transformation"…

“The public sector needs more dialogue and less garden-variety thinking”

In order for the public sector in Switzerland to really take off digitally, there needs to be a cultural change in which all those involved have…

“We don’t just need a technology debate, but above all a socio-political debate”

The political structures in Switzerland can have a blocking effect on the topic of eGovernment. In an interview with Benedikt Würth, Finance…