
Entries by Reinhard Riedl

Disruption is (not) a fairy tale

If we look at the digital transformation from the perspective of individual sectors or specific disciplines, we find: In most cases, changes take place very slowly. Disruptive change is almost not observed at all. So is disruptive digitalisation a fairy tale? The countless verbal reports on the topic are rather dissonant. Many talk about disruption. […]

Getting girls excited about coding through play

The figures change from year to year – but the proportion of women in IT remains in the basement every year. And the proportion in IT education is even lower: 14.5% of ICT professionals in Switzerland were women in 2018 and for ICT diplomas, 11% went to women. The general trend is downwards, similar to […]

Man and technology

The special nature of the relationship between people and technology shapes the digital transformation. It plays out not only on an individual level, but also on a societal level. As with other relationships, the partner is partly driven by the momentum of its environment. Many decision-makers and engineers make the mistake of thinking of technology […]

The big political gap between the past and the present

There is considerable evidence that in the future platforms will act as global markets and thereby control the behavior of both suppliers and customers. The decide on who gets access to the market, they permanently collect information about everyone on their platforms, and they define the rules for prices and services. Alpha, Amazon and Apple […]

Applying ICT knowledge to ICT business

Software engineering practices have changed the way we look at organizations. It has become widely accepted that agile practices improve the speed of change. It has been partly understood that teams are more important than processes, as they reduce the biggest risk in many companies which is the failure of communication. And there are considerable […]

New game, new culture, new IT!

The digital transformation relies on new digital tools and their networking. This creates new scope for action, which must also be used by economic actors in a competitive society. This requires new skills and new disciplinary practices, with which a change in culture goes hand in hand and also becomes necessary. All of this together […]