
Entries by Reinhard Riedl

About the use of spanners – Part II

Nobody is afraid of the growing loss of self-evident facts in our increasingly complex society. Hardly anyone is bothered by the fact that established design and engineering knowledge is being lost in practice – or more precisely, that the gap between the ever-improving state of knowledge and widespread practice is widening. But everyone is talking […]

On the (in)objective use of spanners

Many people are appalled that in the future many jobs will be done with spanners. Some find the use of spanners highly ridiculous. Some expect that spanner use will fundamentally change human thinking and feeling. Scientists even predict that eventually spanners will take over the whole universe. Spanners are a topic that clearly evokes high […]

About the future of the Internet

Researchers have been working on improvements since the Internet was established. The future architecture SCION  is also constantly being improved, among others by specialist Adrian Perrig from ETH Zurich. In this interview he explains how he and his team develop multi-path communication systems and attack defense approaches. What was your original motivation to design SCION? […]

December Issue: Cybersecurity – exemplum docet, exempla obscurant

We are living in times of disagreement. Silicon Valley has turned rule braking into everybody’s practice. “We have to move fast, we have to conquer power as soon as possible, we have to establish us …” that is what many people tend to think these days. Indeed, the digital transformation is increasing heterogenity, transparency, and […]

Can computers make art?

Is AI as great as the glossy brochures promise? Or is it only the bosses of the computer programmers who want art, and the result is only art or meta-art? The question touches on the question of being human. It stirs up fears and hopes. Fears that the machines will take over. Hopes that perhaps […]