
Entries by Reinhard Riedl

Resource paradoxes of digital transformation (2) – the digital death of consensus

Digital technologies enable everyone to participate in shaping politics. With enough commitment, social outsiders can have a significant influence on politics. This promotes the “democratisation of democracy” and at the same time makes politics slow and inflexible. Some time ago, former Federal Councillor Moritz Leuenberger spoke in an interview with Societybyte about his fears that […]

Networking and loss of consistency – Part 2: Distractions from the essentials

Almost 10 years ago, the insider discourse on data protection changed fundamentally. The residual utilisation of the findings of that time is in full swing. But instead of reorienting data protection, it is clouding our view of major social problems of the present We have (hopefully) all realised that the “bullshit in – bullshit out” […]

Networking and loss of consistency – Part 1: In the chaos of exploding transparency

The digital transformation regularly offers us various kinds of shocking experiences: firstly, bizarre mistakes in implementation, in which the opposite of what should be done is often done; secondly, strange ideas about what is happening, which are the result of a concoction of dubious facts; thirdly, new word creations that cloud the discourse or suddenly […]

Law, Law and Artificial Intelligence – Summary of the Conference on Computer Science and Law

What changes does the new Swiss data protection law bring? When is cloud computing legally compliant? What should be considered when using AI and who may be liable to prosecution? The 16th Conference on Information Technology and Law answered these questions to the extent that answers are already available today The theme of the 16th […]