Business Transformation in the Covid 19 Crisis (2): How to Change

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Companies can use the health crisis to optimise their business models. But they can also develop new business models that address newly emerging…

Corporate transformation in the Covid 19 crisis (1): What happens when you don’t change

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The problem with digital transformation is transformation. The current health crisis brings this home to us in a frighteningly unmistakable way.…

Social stereotypes in pre-trained language models

When algorithms make decisions, they often discriminate because of programmed preferences. Author Mascha Kurpicz-Briki investigated what happens…

How an app helps to green facades

The app "towards green cities" shows how urban facades can be transformed into vertical gardens. Thanks to augmented reality, planners and citizens…

Digital Sport in the Covid 19 Crisis (2): Transferring the Emotions to Digital

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The sports industry has been hit hard by the health crisis. How it can find its way out of the crisis and continue to rely on the emotional relationship…

BIMwood and DeepWood in timber construction – 2 pioneering projects at BFH and HSLU

Even technical colleges are not immune to garden-variety thinking. After all, each one wants to be the best. However, the Action Plan Digital…