Lessons from the Covid19 crisis

Lessons from Covid-19 – Paradigm shift through distance testing (4)

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Completely secure online exams are neither possible nor necessary. In many cases they do not even make sense. Instead, the current situation…

Two Key Learnings from the Health Crisis

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Covid-19 is strongly entangled with digital transformation, both in positive and negative ways. On the one hand, Covid-19 has boosted online…

Lessons from the COVID19 crisis: How the courtroom became (not) virtual (2)

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The judiciary has successfully mastered the COVID lockdown and has entered a "permanent crisis mode". What has the COVID-19 pandemic changed…

Leonce and Leonce – a streaming review

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Theatre is experimenting - finally - with hybrid forms of performance that can be viewed on site by a few and on the internet by many. Multimedia…

Business Transformation in the Covid 19 Crisis (4) – Trade Collapse and the Next Globalisation

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The health crisis will push those technologies that promote the fragmentation of value chains. This will change the economy for good What are…

Teaching from Covid-19 – How Distance Teaching comes alive (3)

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Online lectures pose major challenges for students and lecturers alike. We need to rethink and make more use of contemporary didactic tools.…