Call for Papers: Regulierung und Infrastruktur für die digitale Wirtschaft
Die Februarausgabe beschäftigt sich mit dem Thema „Regulierung und Infrastruktur für die digitale Wirtschaft“. Wir laden Sie ein, einen Beitrag zu diesen Aspekten einzureichen:
- Regulierung der digitalen Wirtschaft
- Digitale Infrastruktur
- Ersetzen von Institutionen durch Technologie
- Grenzen zwischen Staat und Wirtschaft und nationalstaatliche Grenzen im virtuellen Raum
- Zukunft des Internets.
Umfang des Beitrags 3500 – 7500 Zeichen, plus kurze Autorenbeschreibung 3-4 Sätze und ein Porträtbild. Beiträge können bis zum 10. Januar 2019 an gesendet werden.
Publikationen sind willkommen in Deutsch, Französisch und Englisch.
The February issue deals with the topic «Regulation and Infrastructure for the Digital Economy». Papers are welcome dealing the following (or related) topics:
- REGULATION OF THE DIGITAL ECONOMY: Which regulations are needed to enable a sustainable digital growth? Do we need new tools like sandboxing for developing technology-driven markets or large scale pilots for better regulation of the digital economy?
- FAIRNESS IN THE DIGITAL SOCIETY: Do we need regulatory measures to protect the weak in the digital transformation game? Who are those that need protection? How can we protect them without strangling growth? How do current regulatory measures (e.g. like GDPR) perform in practice?
- DIGITALE INFRASTRUCTURE: Which digital infrastructure is needed that digital economy can prosper? How well do current infrastructures, like e.g. trust infrastructures, perform in practice? Which part of the infrastructure is better provided by government? Which part is better provided by the free market?
- REPLACEMENT OF INSTITUTIONS: Can and should we replace government institutions by distributed technologies like blockchains? How can does the democratic control of these technology replacements of institutions work?
- BOUNDARIES: Will the digital transformation strengthen or dissolve the boundaries between government and the market? Will we experience multi-governance settings, where companies operating in virtual space can choose the government they prefer?
- NEXT GENERATION INTERNET: How should the future Internet look like to create a prospering digital economy and a fair digital society? How should the governance of the future internet work?
Scope of the article 3500 – 7500 characters, plus short author description 3-4 sentences and a portrait picture. Articles can be sent to by 10th January 2019.

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