“With process mining, we are helping to reduce CO2 emissions”

Founded by three students, Celonis has grown from a start-up to one of the fastest growing software companies in Europe. They develop process…

“Failure without a happy ending is not publishable” – Podcast about the dark side of entrepreneurship

Successful entrepreneurs have visions, turn them into sensational business models and only sleep 4 hours. We know this glorified image, but hardly…

How Basel-Stadt wants to prevent over-indebtedness with a tool from the BFH

Thanks to digitalisation, data from existing administrative registers can increasingly be used in a fruitful way to monitor social issues such…

Algorithms and Natural Language Processing in the Public Sector – A Review of the Transform Conference 2023

The theme of TRANSFORM 2023, which took place on 3 May 2023 in Bern City Hall, was "artificial intelligence in the public sector". Machine learning,…

When the public sector authorities use foreign cloud providers for data storage

Digital sovereignty is one of three annual focus topics of the "Digital Switzerland Strategy". It is about the question of how dependencies in…

Three facets of the humane digital transformation

How will the digital transformation affect our society and our lives, and what do we need to keep in mind so that people remain at the centre?…