Handling personal data according to the BGEID – Part 2

On 7 March 2021, a vote will be held on the BGEID, i.e. the Federal Act on Electronic Identification Services. In Part 1, an overview of data…

Handling personal data according to the BGEID – Part 1

On 7 March 2021, the BGEID, i.e. the Federal Act on Electronic Identification Services, will be voted on. In this two-part article, an overview…

Measuring digital fitness – a test for SMEs

There are various interpretative frameworks, maturity models and awards for the digital transformation of companies. But in practice, there is…

E-ID connection from the point of view of a company

If a web application wants to use the E-ID (according to the law), it has to overcome some challenges. This compilation is intended to help clarify…

About privacy at login

Everyone knows that with a social login, e.g. with Google or Facebook, user data is collected and the profiles formed from this data have a lot…

With the planned E-ID to the Covid 19 vaccination? A thought experiment

Would the planned state E-ID be applicable for registration for Covid 19 vaccinations? Could the extensive and time-consuming registration in…