
Entries by Thiemo Wambsganss

Hidden Bias in AI Writing Tools: What Educators Need to Know

Are AI writing tools helping or harming student creativity? A study led by Prof. Dr. Thiemo Wambsganss from the Human-Centered AI-based Learning Systems (HAIS) Lab[1] at BFH Wirtschaft explored hidden biases in popular AI feedback tools like ChatGPT and their impact on student writing. Learn why educators should be cautious, how biases can subtly affect […]

Learning-to-be-Green: Focus on sustainability and digital transformation

Can green entrepreneurship be learnt more effectively with the help of chatbots? What do innovative, digital teaching and learning scenarios and modern learning materials look like today, and how do you create a sustainable learning environment? The research project “Learning-to-be-Green” (L2BGreen for short), funded by the European Commission, aims to find the right answers to […]