Augmented Intelligence

While the technologies surrounding artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics were often seen as an opportunity to completely replace tasks performed by humans, it has turned out that this is often not at all expedient. Humans and machines have different characteristics: while computers are good at evaluating large amounts of data within a short time, they lack the ability to reflect on decisions. We therefore speak of Augmented Intelligence, which complements humans and supports them in their daily work, and does not replace them. We address the questions of how humans and AI/robots can work together efficiently, and how their respective capabilities can complement each other. In addition, we address issues of fairness and inclusion. Methods are being developed to prevent parts of the digital society from being excluded or discriminated against based on automated decisions.

All articles on Augmented Intelligence

When ChatGPT helps with the exam – a podcast episode about AI in studies

Will students have their theses written by AI in the future? How are universities dealing with this? And how does technology help lecturers with…

The Data-Centric Enterprise: Where Revolutions Converge

Recent months have seen an explosion in articles about the generative-AI revolution and its effect on economy and society. But in fact there…

How Diversity and AI Will Shape the Fintech Industry

What does the future of artificial intelligence (AI) look like in the fintech industry? What role do female scientists play? These were the questions…

Diffusion Models: A New Horizon in Image Generation

As the curtain fell on last year, most conversations about generative AI in public forums and the media orbited around text generation, with…

Traumatic Click Work: The People Behind ChatGPT

The capabilities of new generative AI models or products based on them like ChatGPT are fascinating. Besides the concerns about what this will…

Three facets of the humane digital transformation

How will the digital transformation affect our society and our lives, and what do we need to keep in mind so that people remain at the centre?…

Digital & AI Literacy as a Pillar of Digital Responsibility – A Report from the Shift Conference on Digital Ethics

Digital ethics is central to the use of artificial intelligence. It was the topic of the recent Shift conference in Zurich. The speakers come…

How humour influences trust in smart home products

19Smart home technologies (SHT) often perform tasks in the most intimate parts of their users' lives - their homes. To build trust in these technologies,…

ChatGPT: an oracle, a doctor or a joker? – Ethical boundaries of different tools usage

ChatGPT is not a perfect, but effective tool for working with information. But a higher level of anxiety is justified by the emergence of…

Humane Digital Transformation: Towards a human-centered digitalization

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Digital technologies are changing the way we live and work with consequences that are difficult to assess. The Bern University of Applied Sciences…

A Primer on Explainable AI for Natural Language Processing  

Major breakthroughs in AI are accelerating the adoption of AI-driven tools in industry, research, and government. However, the reasoning process…

How Digital Twins are utilised in industry

Digital twins enable completely new possibilities in different sectors such as industry or medicine. But what is a digital twin anyway? We discussed…