How football clubs can digitise their sponsorship

Thanks to Covid 19 certification, full stadiums are partly allowed again and fans are finally allowed to support their favourite club on site.…

Shaping artificial intelligence – an example from nursing care

The development of artificial intelligence (AI) as a tool to analyse and understand data has gained momentum. AI began as early as the 1950s.…

Holacracy as a solution to the pressure of changeability?

Digitale Transformation, VUCA-Welt (volatil, unsicher, komplex, mehrdeutig) New Work und vor allem Wandelbarkeit von Organisationen spiegel den…

How an algorithm helps to create lesson plans

Creating lesson plans for an entire year is a complex task. Artificial intelligence can support this and often even plan better than humans.…

How apps can help with mental health problems

Various mental health apps have been developed to support clinical professionals and patients. What is already possible today and what does it…

How New Work relates to Employability 4.0 and exhaustion

With a graphic review of the Transform 2021 conference, BFH lecturer Mägi Brändle summarises the contributions from AI to Positive Leadership.…