
The successful development of digital solutions almost always requires the cooperation of different disciplines. Designers, software developers and application specialists are necessary.

In addition, ethnographers, economists, lawyers, mathematicians and others are often needed, whereby several expertises are usually required in each discipline. Good solution design requires, for example, knowledge of good practice examples, the ability to co-create with users, user experience and accessibility expertise, a talent for durable design, heuristics for dealing with complexity, writing usable requirements specifications and ethical reflection. At the BFH Centre Digital Society, we do not rely on interfaces between disciplines, but work together freely in a transdisciplinary way. The methods used result from the practical question.

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Why better usability makes the digital world more socially just

Simple, easy-to-use interfaces should be a matter of course today. But machine logic is still too often in the foreground and leads to unnecessary…

Why we should sometimes think in terms of Zero and One – a podcast episode about digital skills

Being able to teach artificial intelligence our chaotic thinking - that is a skill we will need in the future. Using technologies profitably…

On the potentials and hurdles of the Swiss circular economy

Although Switzerland theoretically has all the possibilities for more sustainable and ecological production, this is not yet being implemented.…

Why zebras are more sustainable than unicorns – a podcast episode about social entrepreneurship

Society needs the commitment of volunteers. Without them, for example, the Corona warning app would not have been launched so quickly at the…

How Digital Natives, Millennials and Generation Z are shaping the IT industry – 60 years of digital transformation, part 4

People are the most important factor in the modern age, write Chuck and Ken. In the 4th and final part of their mini-series, the father-son team…

How Dealers helped the Explosion of Minicomputers – 60 years of digital transformation, part 3

Thanks to the invention of the first microchips, minicomputers spread to all industries from the 1970s onwards. Chuck and Ken, a father-son team…

About the mainframes of the Iron Age – 60 years of digital transformation, part 2

Chuck and Ken, a father-son team of computer experts, take an entertaining look back at their own six decades in the IT industry. In the 2nd…

From punch card devouring monsters to the first computers – 60 years of digital transformation, part 1

Chuck and Ken, father and son, both IT experts, take an fun look back at their own six decades in IT. They explore how digital transformation…

The unease of interdisciplinarity

There are people who get sick from psychotherapy. After psychotherapy has actually helped them, they look at everything and anything from a psychotherapeutic…

Agriculture today: Between idealized notion and technology

Agriculture is facing great challenges. On the one hand, it has to be economically successful, but at the same time it has to meet ecological…

How an app assesses the usability of forest roads

Forest roads are the basis for sustainable forest management. Forests should always be easily accessible for ecological, social and economic…

How to get more Women into Data Science

Just around 25% of the participants of the 8th Swiss Conference on Data Science are female. This aligns with the report from the World Economic…