Machine Intelligence
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Music on demand: How AI composes entire songs with just a few keywords
Machine Intelligence EN, Professional Contribution EN/
The ability of generative AI to produce eloquent texts and impressive images has long been common knowledge. However, in addition to these achievements,…

When Peanut serves the tea – a podcast episode about robots in care
Machine Intelligence EN, Podcast ENThe future of care seems bleak because more and more skilled workers are lacking. At the same time, our society is ageing and more and more people…

Towards deep learning-based weather reconstruction of the Great Frost
Machine Intelligence EN, Professional Contribution EN, Transdisciplinary ENIn the early 18th century, Europe experienced a mini ice age, which has been proven to be the coldest period of the last 1000 years [1]. Our…

Inclusive and diverse language? – A language model shows how it works
Machine Intelligence EN, Professional Contribution ENNatural Language Processing is a branch of linguistics, computer science and artificial intelligence (AI) that deals with the interaction…

Do we need to regulate mathematics?
Machine Intelligence EN, Professional Contribution ENThe logical world of mathematics eludes political thinking. Nevertheless, we must not regard mathematics as a black box when regulating digital…

Dangerous mathematics or dangerous humans? – Opportunities and risks of an algorithmised world
Event report EN, Machine Intelligence ENThe topic of artificial intelligence (AI) has potential for discussion. On 23 March 2021, experts from the BFH Centre Digital Society discussed…

Work magic successfully with AI in the company
Machine Intelligence EN, Professional Contribution ENYou don't even have to know how to program to play an active role in Artificial Intelligence in the enterprise. It's time for the "business"…

“Do you think your job could be taken over by a robot?”
Event report EN, Lessons from the Covid19 crisis, Machine Intelligence EN"Aimeriez-vous qu'un robot prenne soin de vous?" - with questions like this, the Neues Museum Biel invites you to two current exhibitions: Hello,…

“Our entire world will be driven by AI in 2050” – an interview with Marcel Salathé
Interview EN, Machine Intelligence ENImage recognition, language understanding, and decision-making: deep learning has made impressive breakthroughs. That’s why machine learning…

Machine-Learning Methods for Analysis and Generation of Expressive Performance
Machine Intelligence EN, Professional Contribution ENArtificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are some of the leading technology trends in the global scene, due to the easy access to big data…