Obituary: A great champion of Open Access is no more
Digital Government EN, Transdisciplinary EN/
Daniel Hürlimann, Professor of Legal Informatics and IT Law at the Bern University of Applied Sciences (BFH) and Attorney at Law by Laux Lawyers…

Creating a future: The tower of Babel or a bridge?
Professional Contribution EN, Transdisciplinary ENIn the digital age, we benefit from the achievements of research and technology more than ever before. At the same time, facts are also doubted…

Why usability testing does not guarantee a successful product
Professional Contribution EN, Transdisciplinary ENAs someone who has been teaching usability and human-centred design for many years and in various countries, I am of course pleased that the…

Myth of digitalisation – reasons for not happening
Column EN, Transdisciplinary EN"The digital transformation is not happening." This finding applies to many areas. It means that while digital tools are being introduced for…

How Satellite Images help to detect the Severity of Wildfires
Professional Contribution EN, Transdisciplinary ENWildfires lead to changes to our ecosystems and can have serious social and economic impacts. In the last few years, the number of wildfires…

Will Digitalization aid the world’s quest to net-zero emissions?
Professional Contribution EN, Transdisciplinary ENThe increasing global awareness of climate change and the irreversible damages caused has led the world to a code red. Wildfires, floods, heatwaves,…