Transdisciplinary EN

Digitalisation promotes interdisciplinarity

Many problems of the digital age cannot be solved in one discipline alone, says Prof. Dr. Gerd Folkers in an interview. On the second day of…

Liveblog von TRANSFORM – Digital Skills for the Transformation of Disciplines, Business and Government

Which digital skills are necessary for the transformation of professional professions and companies? The TRANSFORM conference is a 2-day event…

How women are discriminated against in the labour market

There is no gender discrimination (yet) in the search for an apprenticeship - but there is a lot of it on the labour market: At the conference…

Fertility Discrimination In Hiring: A Field Experiment

Part-time jobs are thought to reconcile work and family obligations. However, women with a higher probability of becoming pregnant soon have…

Why interdisciplinarity is the basis for Computional Thinking

The only living creature that can think is man. But soon computers will do the thinking for us - or will they? Alexander Repenning, professor…

“Come talk to me” – When Art meets Digitalisation

The Mayor of Bern as a hologram? In addition to Alec von Graffenried, around 70 people participated in the participatory video installation "Come,…