Podcast EN

“Equal opportunities are an economic necessity” – a podcast episode

Three women from politics who are keen to see more female-led start-ups: in the 9th episode we talk to Aline Trede, National Councillor for the…

“It’s neither fair nor economically wise” – a podcast episode about the situation of female founders in Switzerland

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For every 10 men who start a business, there are only 6 women. In the 8th episode of our podcast, we talk about the reasons for this and how…

How we can make cities more sustainable – a podcast episode about smart cities

Making cities greener, rethinking mobility, using energy cleverly and involving as many citizens as possible in democratic processes - smart…

Why we should sometimes think in terms of Zero and One – a podcast episode about digital skills

Being able to teach artificial intelligence our chaotic thinking - that is a skill we will need in the future. Using technologies profitably…

Why zebras are more sustainable than unicorns – a podcast episode about social entrepreneurship

Society needs the commitment of volunteers. Without them, for example, the Corona warning app would not have been launched so quickly at the…

What opportunities and risks the digitalised world of work offers – a podcast episode of the BFH Economy

Many people have been working in home offices since the beginning of the pandemic. This can be a blessing and a curse at the same time. Prof.…