About the 4-day week in the digital age – a podcast episode
New Work EN, Podcast EN/
Companies are under pressure and are finding it difficult to find new skilled workers, while at the same time they need to be more productive.…

Resource paradoxes of digital transformation (2) – the digital death of consensus
Column EN, Transdisciplinary ENDigital technologies enable everyone to participate in shaping politics. With enough commitment, social outsiders can have a significant influence…

On the blind spots of AI – from discrimination to technological responsibility
Augmented Intelligence EN, Interview ENThe relationship between AI and societal diversity is intricate. BFH-researcher Mascha Kurpicz-Briki probes this in her interview with AI luminary…

How to balance privacy and informativeness
Digital Identity, Privacy & Cybersecurity EN, Professional Contribution ENPrivacy is a fundamental ethical requirement in data usage. Protecting privacy means safeguarding the rights and freedoms of data subjects. But…

How neuromonitoring can prevent post-operative brain damage
Augmented Intelligence EN, Digital Health EN, Interview ENAnalysing signal data in intraoperative neuromonitoring using machine learning - Simon Koller won over the jury at the DMEA in Berlin with this…

Shadow IT and Accidental Servitization
Digital Business & Finance EN, Professional Contribution ENIn the labyrinth of modern business shadow IT and accidental servitization lurk like shape-shifting monsters, transforming helpful tools into…