
Digital solutions for social work

In December 2020, Bern University of Applied Sciences hosted Hack4SocialGood, bringing together the social sector and tech sector. The event…

The unspoken about the E-ID debacle

After the resounding rejection at the ballot box, people are already thinking about the next E-ID law without any deeper understanding. It would…

A brief history of E-IDs

E-ID concepts were neither a matter of course nor did they fall from the sky. They are the result of years of discussion, research, piloting…

Is the E-ID now the “digital passport”? – A clarification

A heated discussion arose around the question of what an E-ID is. It cannot be answered in one sentence. For there are legal as well as practical…

Handling personal data according to the BGEID – Part 2

On 7 March 2021, a vote will be held on the BGEID, i.e. the Federal Act on Electronic Identification Services. In Part 1, an overview of data…

Handling personal data according to the BGEID – Part 1

On 7 March 2021, the BGEID, i.e. the Federal Act on Electronic Identification Services, will be voted on. In this two-part article, an overview…