Digital Health – from the visionary to the practical
Digital Health EN, Event report EN/
On 17 May, the association Praevenire held its Digital Health Workshop for the third time as a participatory event - with over 40 experts and…

Steadily growing community for “inCLOUsiv”
Digital Health EN, Professional Contribution ENDigital exchange about mental health has been possible in Switzerland for the first time in a year with "inCLOUsiv". Together with the Pro Mente…

Two Key Learnings from the Health Crisis
Digital Health EN, Lessons from the Covid19 crisis, Professional Contribution ENCovid-19 is strongly entangled with digital transformation, both in positive and negative ways. On the one hand, Covid-19 has boosted online…

Digital Health in the Covid-19 crisis (3) – what should now be improved
Digital Health EN, Lessons from the Covid19 crisis, Professional Contribution ENDuring the lockdown, many countries had positive experiences with digital health (Atique et al., 2020). We should definitely continue the development…

Digital Health in the Covid 19 Crisis (2) – It’s up to us what we make of the crisis
Digital Health EN, Lessons from the Covid19 crisis, Professional Contribution ENDigital health is associated with many challenges that are not easy to overcome. We have to learn how to deal with them. A good example of the…

Digital Health in the Covid 19 Crisis (1) – There is no going back to the pre-crisis era
Digital Health EN, Lessons from the Covid19 crisis, Professional Contribution ENThe pandemic has hit us much more seriously than we would like to admit. It is high time to look reality in the eye, anticipate likely developments…