Digital Health EN

Digitalisation – beneficial development or social exclusion?

What opportunities and risks does digitalisation bring for people with mental illness and those affected by poverty? What is the role of social…

Sensor Technology in Health Care – Sensor Data and Algorithms (Part 2)

Older people often move unsteadily and can easily fall and injure themselves. To prevent this, sensors could record and analyse movement patterns…

Sensor technology in healthcare – opportunities and challenges (Part 1)

How can digital technologies be used in health care and prevention? Can technology relieve the burden on nursing staff? And what does it take…

All hope lies in stakeholder management

Switzerland is limping behind in e-health - although individual institutions spend sums that the e-health pioneers can only dream of, even at…

What artificial intelligence is already doing in healthcare today

AI could extend the healthy life years of many people. But technological progress does not make it into practical implementation. We are researching…

How business design principles are contributing to the digitisation of healthcare

The digitisation of the healthcare system is strongly encouraged, but in practice it is often carried out in a careless and haphazard way. Successful…