With enthusiasm and pragmatism for digital change
Digital Government EN, Interview EN/
On 1 September, Christian Geiger took up his professorship in Digital Government, Innovation and Transformation at Bern University of Applied…

Open Source Business Potential: A Look at Odoo’s Open Core Model
Digital Business & Finance EN, Digital Government EN, Professional Contribution ENOpen source software (OSS) has long been a cornerstone of the IT industry. But how can money be made with freely available software? This article…

Law, Law and Artificial Intelligence – Summary of the Conference on Computer Science and Law
Digital Government EN, Event report ENWhat changes does the new Swiss data protection law bring? When is cloud computing legally compliant? What should be considered when using AI…

Between Innovation and Security – Digital Working in the Legal Sector
Digital Government EN, Professional Contribution ENThe summer ends on a heavy note. On 29 August, the biennial conference Computer Science and Law will take place at Bern City Hall. BFH Wirtschaft…

“Open by default” as law
Digital Government EN, Professional Contribution ENEMBAG obliges the federal administration to publish all software under open source licences in future and to release government data as Open…

Why digital and sustainable transformation must happen simultaneously
Contributions EN, Digital Government ENSeveral 2022 reports from government and academic organisations contain the key message that sustainable development can be achieved using digital…