Digital Government EN

“Open by default” as law

EMBAG obliges the federal administration to publish all software under open source licences in future and to release government data as Open…

Why digital and sustainable transformation must happen simultaneously

Several 2022 reports from government and academic organisations contain the key message that sustainable development can be achieved using digital…

Interactive visualisation of cooperation in the National Council and Council of States

The National Council elections are coming up in autumn. So it's high time to take stock and take a look behind the scenes of parliament: Do the…

Algorithms and Natural Language Processing in the Public Sector – A Review of the Transform Conference 2023

The theme of TRANSFORM 2023, which took place on 3 May 2023 in Bern City Hall, was "artificial intelligence in the public sector". Machine learning,…

When the public sector authorities use foreign cloud providers for data storage

Digital sovereignty is one of three annual focus topics of the "Digital Switzerland Strategy". It is about the question of how dependencies in…

How Open Data can work in the social sector

In the course of the digitalisation of social institutions, a tension is emerging between two issues that are gaining increasing attention: the…