The reconciliation of data reality and the real world – on the way to a data quality model
E-Government EN, Professional Contribution EN/
It has become a truism that data is becoming more and more important and that handling it can lead to a real competitive advantage for companies…

April issue: e-government does its homework
Column EN, E-Government ENE-Government has set out to catch up on its homework. In this issue, you will learn, among other things, how chatbots can also be used in the…

ECH data standards support the cooperation of all stakeholders in eGovernment
E-Government EN, Professional Contribution ENThe subsidiarity principle applies to the Swiss public authority landscape. This leads to decentralised structures in very many areas. In contrast…

E-Government-Themen im BFH-Zentrum Digital Society
E-Government ENThe BFH Centre Digital Society is concerned with the question of how to create the greatest possible value through digitalisation. This is a…

Good practices and bad practices – not with us!
E-Government EN, Professional Contribution ENThe architect Christopher Alexander worked intensively on the question of how rooms, houses, districts and entire cities must be built so that…