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What moral values mean for corporate social responsibility

More and more companies are taking on social responsibility. The role of moral values in this is the subject of a study written by David Risi of BFH Wirtschaft together with Laurence Vigneau (Newcastle University), Stephan Bohn (Freie Universität Berlin) and Christopher Wickert (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam). The authors elaborate on the two key functions that […]


How prototypes influence the success of technology crowdfunding

When technology companies seek financial support via a crowdfunding platform, they have more success if their prototype is not yet final and can therefore still be changed. This is what BFH researcher Ferdinand Thies found out together with Michael Wessel from Copenhagen Business School and Alexander Benlian from Darmstadt University of Technology. Young technology companies […]


How we can improve the framework conditions for female founders in Switzerland

In Switzerland, women are less likely to start an innovative company than men. Researchers at BFH Wirtschaft have investigated the reasons for this in their study. Among other things, entrepreneurial skills are not taught enough in the education system and female role models are often lacking. Social norms and gender-specific prejudices also hinder the founding […]


When customers do not understand the benefits of radical innovations

Has your company successfully developed a revolutionary product that offers customers unique added value? Congratulations! Now they “only” have to recognise this added value. Companies have to be innovative to maintain their competitive position in the market and to be successful in the long run. The innovation process is time-consuming, expensive and risky. But by […]


How to implement and accelerate your Business Transformation

Triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic, digital transformation has made it to the top of the business agenda. When an organization is facing obvious competitive or financial pressures, most leaders find it easier to communicate the urgent need for change. But what if all is well in the world? When businesses are humming along nicely, building […]