Professional Contribution EN

Humane Digital Transformation: Towards a human-centered digitalization

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Digital technologies are changing the way we live and work with consequences that are difficult to assess. The Bern University of Applied Sciences…

A Primer on Explainable AI for Natural Language Processing  

Major breakthroughs in AI are accelerating the adoption of AI-driven tools in industry, research, and government. However, the reasoning process…

How Digital Twins are utilised in industry

Digital twins enable completely new possibilities in different sectors such as industry or medicine. But what is a digital twin anyway? We discussed…

How Swiss banks and insurance companies implement sustainable measures

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How can the finance and insurance industry also contribute to a more sustainable economy? This question is at the centre of current debates in…

From Big Data education to regulations – the recommendations of the NRP 75 experts

Big Data has the potential for comprehensive social, industrial and scientific value creation. The National Research Programme "Big Data" (NRP…

What solutions exist for the transfer of identity information

Business processes between two and more companies, so-called Business-To-Business (B2B) relationships, are mostly handled electronically today.…