Machine-Learning Methods for Analysis and Generation of Expressive Performance
Machine Intelligence EN, Professional Contribution EN/
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are some of the leading technology trends in the global scene, due to the easy access to big data…

December Issue: Cybersecurity – exemplum docet, exempla obscurant
Digital Identity, Privacy & Cybersecurity EN, Professional Contribution ENWe are living in times of disagreement. Silicon Valley has turned rule braking into everybody’s practice. “We have to move fast, we have…

Digital natives – the end of project management?
Design for Future System Fitness EN, Professional Contribution ENProjects often take longer, they are too expensive or do not offer the promised quality. Young managers in particular, the so-called digital…

How to design a collaboration network for public value creation
Digital Government EN, Professional Contribution ENCo-production, co-creation, participation, user involvement: these are buzzwords often used when talking about public sector transformation.…

Hackathons as a hot spot for digital skills
Professional Contribution EN, Transdisciplinary ENWhen mixed teams tinker for hours or days until they programme new applications from data, then it is most likely a hackathon. This non-hierarchical…

Japan: Ageing society needs technology and community development
Digital Health EN, Professional Contribution ENThe ageing of society is more advanced in Japan than in Switzerland. Japan has been under corresponding pressure to innovate for some time. A…