Contributions EN

Vulnerabilities discovered in Swiss Post’s e-voting system

The public intrusion test of Swiss Post's e-voting system carried out in recent weeks has aroused a great deal of interest among experts and…

Contemporary Classical Music and the Digital Transformation of Society

Contemporary classical music is a fascinating showcase for the impact of digital transformation. Apart from that, it helps us to direct our thoughts…

Open Data as a first step towards building a national data infrastructure

In order for government data to develop its potential benefits for the economy and society, it must be made available comprehensively and systematically.…

Useful and secure digital identities for all areas of life and their properties

Digital identities are with us every day. The technical possibilities are very diverse. How can digital identities enable secure identification…

ECH data standards support the cooperation of all stakeholders in eGovernment

The subsidiarity principle applies to the Swiss public authority landscape. This leads to decentralised structures in very many areas. In contrast…

Of chameleons and lambs

Stakeholders are stakeholders. Particularly important stakeholders sit on project committees. Their sometimes peculiar behaviour prompts a comparison…