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When Peanut serves the tea – a podcast episode about robots in care

The future of care seems bleak because more and more skilled workers are lacking. At the same time, our society is ageing and more and more people…

The Data-Centric Enterprise: Where Revolutions Converge

Recent months have seen an explosion in articles about the generative-AI revolution and its effect on economy and society. But in fact there…

How Diversity and AI Will Shape the Fintech Industry

What does the future of artificial intelligence (AI) look like in the fintech industry? What role do female scientists play? These were the questions…

Diffusion Models: A New Horizon in Image Generation

As the curtain fell on last year, most conversations about generative AI in public forums and the media orbited around text generation, with…

Between Innovation and Security – Digital Working in the Legal Sector

The summer ends on a heavy note. On 29 August, the biennial conference Computer Science and Law will take place at Bern City Hall. BFH Wirtschaft…

Sensor technology in healthcare – opportunities and challenges (Part 1)

How can digital technologies be used in health care and prevention? Can technology relieve the burden on nursing staff? And what does it take…

All hope lies in stakeholder management

Switzerland is limping behind in e-health - although individual institutions spend sums that the e-health pioneers can only dream of, even at…

“Open by default” as law

EMBAG obliges the federal administration to publish all software under open source licences in future and to release government data as Open…

A vision for 2035: How will the timber industry produce?

Industry 4.0 is also being implemented in the wood industry. When looking into the future, however, it is not primarily about machines, but mainly…