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December Issue: Cybersecurity – exemplum docet, exempla obscurant

We are living in times of disagreement. Silicon Valley has turned rule braking into everybody’s practice. “We have to move fast, we have…

Data, data, nothing but data. What do we do with it?

According to an IDC study, the total amount of data generated annually worldwide will increase from 33 zettabytes to 175 zettabytes in 2025.…

About the good life and the happy life

Digitalisation makes a lot of things easier in our lives. But what really makes us happy in the digital age is not something digital, says happiness…

How to design a collaboration network for public value creation

Co-production, co-creation, participation, user involvement: these are buzzwords often used when talking about public sector transformation.…

Of digital natives and data-based services – BFH researchers at Connecta 2019

Swiss Post's Connecta digital conference was a success on Tuesday with over 300 participants and more than 90 speakers from 12 countries. Everyyear,Connecta…

Hackathons as a hot spot for digital skills

When mixed teams tinker for hours or days until they programme new applications from data, then it is most likely a hackathon. This non-hierarchical…

Japan: Ageing society needs technology and community development

The ageing of society is more advanced in Japan than in Switzerland. Japan has been under corresponding pressure to innovate for some time. A…

Does digitalisation make us happier?

Digitalisation makes many things easier for us in our professional and private lives. Communication is possible in a variety of ways so that…