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February issue: About digital identities

It has become a matter of course in our daily lives to chat, make phone calls, shop, watch videos and listen to music via smartphone. Use is…

Unleashing Usability Superpowers to Make the World a Better Place

ICT systems that suffer from minor, and sometimes major, usability problems are an all-too-common experience. This is hard to understand given…

The Federal Administration is aligning its human resources strategy with the digital transformation

The Federal Administration's personnel strategy 2020-2023 is all about digitalisation. With the two focal points of "shaping digital transformation"…

“The public sector needs more dialogue and less garden-variety thinking”

In order for the public sector in Switzerland to really take off digitally, there needs to be a cultural change in which all those involved have…

“We don’t just need a technology debate, but above all a socio-political debate”

The political structures in Switzerland can have a blocking effect on the topic of eGovernment. In an interview with Benedikt Würth, Finance… eGovernment according to the needs of businesses

Two years ago, the then Minister of Economic Affairs, Johann Schneider-Ammann, announced the new online platform of the authorities: "The…

January issue: Digital Administration Switzerland – from integration to transformation

There is a consensus that we are doing well in Switzerland - our health system, security as well as education, to name just a few examples, are…

About the future of the Internet

Researchers have been working on improvements since the Internet was established. The future architecture SCION  is also constantly being improved,…

Machine-Learning Methods for Analysis and Generation of Expressive Performance

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are some of the leading technology trends in the global scene, due to the easy access to big data…