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Health 2030 – Implementing Digital Health the Right Way

How do we have to redesign health care so that people have more healthy years of life? Together with several hundred experts, the Austrian association…

Can digital technology help manage acute psychiatric crises?

Use of technology for crisis management in acute psychiatric care - fewer coercive measures and faster recovery. What sounds theoretically tempting…

Parliaments in crisis mode (1) – variable experience with great learning potential

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The Covid 19 crisis obviously caught parliaments unprepared, whether at the municipal, cantonal or federal level. Contingency plans were for…

Study anatomy with virtual reality

The Bern Education Centre for Nursing has been conducting interprofessional learning events for some time. An existing offer provides medical…

PARO – a robot for emotional moments

The PARO robot was originally designed for the geriatric setting. Increasingly, PARO is also being used in child and adolescent psychiatry. However,…

The SwissCovid app – many strengths, some weaknesses

From 25 June, Swiss citizens will be able to use the SwissCovid app, which complements classic contact tracing in the containment of coronavirus.…

Digital schools during the Covid19 crisis (3) – Concrete recommendations

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The health crisis has caused a lot of damage. This makes it all the more important to use the positive experience that has also been made to…

Sustainable digitalisation – new roles for health professionals

Digitalisation in the health sector is advancing. The early involvement and sustainable support of healthcare professionals are fundamental in…

Common sense and empathy – also needed in the age of digital health?

Everybody needs that human touch. Even more so in the age of digital health. So. That was the given question and my headline in February 2020.…