Digital Identity, Privacy and Cybersecurity

Traces blow away in the sand; the digital traces we leave behind on the internet and the devices and systems connected to it can come to light again even after a long time. And not only with the help of cyber forensics.

The BFH Centre Digital Society deals with questions relating to the security of IT systems with a focus on data protection and privacy. With the help of security and reverse engineering, applications and systems are examined to detect vulnerabilities and unnecessary data collectors. With the discovered facts, citizens are to be sensitised to develop an awareness of the dangers of unknowingly exposed data.
In interdisciplinary teams and in cooperation with partners from industry, administration and academia, the BFH Centre develops digital identities and applications (such as e-voting, e-ticketing or road pricing systems) that are not only secure, but also intrinsically contain data and privacy protection from the outset (security and privacy-by-design).

All articles on Digital Identity, Privacy and Cybersecurity

How insurance companies and authorities communicate securely

The Swissdec architecture sketches show how corporate processes communicate with insurers and authorities today. An attempt is made to explain…

Swissdec history or “From the cradle to the grave, nothing but forms, forms!”

Digitisation in the exchange of information in the public authority environment should above all save time and money. But it is not just about…

May-June issue: How companies and authorities exchange data securely

Most businesses today are digitally managed. Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems are used to control entrepreneurial and operational processes.…

The Education ID as the basis for the digital school

If digital teaching aids are increasingly used in class, pupils and teachers need an electronic identity in order to be able to use applications…

What are the challenges of managing cyber-attacks in a large company?

With the ever-increasing risks of cyber-attacks, companies need to make cyber security a priority. Today, it is not a question of "if" a company…

Challenges in digital forensics on smartphones

Smartphone forensics is a relatively new and rapidly developing area of interest within digital forensics. The market launch of "Simon", the…

eDiscovery – the search for relevant information for investigations

Every day, the amount of data in organisations grows and so do the opportunities to misuse it. With eDiscovery, data is located, secured and…

Vulnerabilities discovered in Swiss Post’s e-voting system

The public intrusion test of Swiss Post's e-voting system carried out in recent weeks has aroused a great deal of interest among experts and…

Useful and secure digital identities for all areas of life and their properties

Digital identities are with us every day. The technical possibilities are very diverse. How can digital identities enable secure identification…

Cybersecurity und IT-Forensik

The focus "Cyber Security & IT Forensics" deals with selected topics related to the security of the computer infrastructure, such as confidentiality,…