Digital Identity, Privacy and Cybersecurity

Traces blow away in the sand; the digital traces we leave behind on the internet and the devices and systems connected to it can come to light again even after a long time. And not only with the help of cyber forensics.

The BFH Centre Digital Society deals with questions relating to the security of IT systems with a focus on data protection and privacy. With the help of security and reverse engineering, applications and systems are examined to detect vulnerabilities and unnecessary data collectors. With the discovered facts, citizens are to be sensitised to develop an awareness of the dangers of unknowingly exposed data.
In interdisciplinary teams and in cooperation with partners from industry, administration and academia, the BFH Centre develops digital identities and applications (such as e-voting, e-ticketing or road pricing systems) that are not only secure, but also intrinsically contain data and privacy protection from the outset (security and privacy-by-design).

All articles on Digital Identity, Privacy and Cybersecurity

Secure identities are needed for the trust of customers

Isolated, centralised or decentralised - here, two researchers from BFH Technik und Informatik compare the advantages and disadvantages of the…

February issue: About digital identities

It has become a matter of course in our daily lives to chat, make phone calls, shop, watch videos and listen to music via smartphone. Use is…

December Issue: Cybersecurity – exemplum docet, exempla obscurant

We are living in times of disagreement. Silicon Valley has turned rule braking into everybody’s practice. “We have to move fast, we have…

Companies must also protect robots from cyberattacks

Robots are the interface through which IT systems have a very concrete impact on the real world. Until now, dangers to humans and the environment…

How companies handle electronic business processes securely

The expansion of the Swissdec information platform places new security requirements on the identification and authentication of participating…

Digitisation in insurance companies – individually or together?

In the private client business, insurance companies rely on individual solutions that are widely accepted. The situation is more difficult with…

Payroll reporting – many roads lead to Rome

The collection and processing of salary notifications is one of the core tasks of the compensation offices. As many channels as possible are…

Sedex – the digital postman of the Confederation

With sedex, the Federal Statistical Office (FSO) and the Federal Office of Information Technology (FOITT) offer a secure data exchange for authorities…

Insurance companies rely on M2M communication

Suva has been using the Swiss wage standard (ELM) for many years to process wage declarations from companies. Now, in addition to the Swiss wage…

The social security data exchange ecosystem

The eAHV/IV association defines interfaces and standards for data exchange and coordinates the digitisation projects for AHV and IV. The goal…

Swissdec – Pioneer in eGovernment Switzerland

With the wage reporting procedure (ELM), the Swissdec association has created a Switzerland-wide standard that enables companies to report wage…

Switzerland-wide holistic building directory

In 2020, Switzerland will have an official directory of building addresses for the first time. Currently, market participants publish, use or…